Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So tonight was somewhat of a surprising evening. Charlie so kindly let us off work an hour early to enjoy the nice weather... can't argue with that. I got home and went for a walk. Shortly after, Sandra called to invite me over for dinner. Trying to keep tabs on my iron this week, I ate at home and then joined everyone for a bit of chit-chatting. My platelet appointment is scheduled for Saturday.

I had to leave the Iadiapaolo's a bit early than I hoped because I promised to make some banana bread tonight. Sandra was hoping to steal a couple pieces, but I said there's no chance my coworkers will leave any leftover. I stole some of her bananas and I currently have two banana breads baking in the oven. I hope they get done soon, so I can go to bed and catch some Z's.


Amanda Rassi said...

Yummy! I can't wait to sample it. =)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for extra bananas at home!!!