Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cubs vs Red Sox 5-21-11

Matt, Brian and myself took a 3 mile walk to Fenway Park along the Emerald Necklace which is a nice pathway alongside parks and creeks. It's funny how they live in a big city but have these little golden nuggets of nature so close.

Along the way we made friends with some baby squirrels that were on the paved path taken by walkers and bicyclists. We tried to get them out of harms way. Here's one hitching a ride on my shoe.
I have many photos from the Cubs vs Red Sox game, but do not wish to post them all. We did not sit in the upper deck, but as I explored prior to the first pitch, I got a kind usher to take this one for me.
When I bought our tickets, they came with a warning of a partially obstructed view of the pitcher and/or catcher. I wanted to get in the ballpark, so I took our chances. We totally lucked out!
The Cubs came out with a win after the Red Sox imploded in the 8th inning. Thank goodness we had something to jump up and down to cheer about because it was sooooo cold. I believe it was mid-40's with wind and periodic misting/fogging.
Fun times were had in Boston. I even got to break into my first apartment! You can't say that about many vacations.

LBT and Sugarland in Boston

After Matt worked on Friday, we headed would could have be a 30ish minute drive out of town to go see the Little Big Town and Sugarland concert. Matt Nathanson was the opening act, but we only heard the last verse of his final song as we entered the facility. Reasoning why? well, the venue was beyond the point of all mass transit and there was really only want route to get there from the interstate and it was backed up for miles. Thank goodness Matt left work a bit early so we didn't miss any of the main acts!

Brian wasn't able to come because he was still in Dayton for business. That left me with more than enough room bounce around during the concert. Here's a couple pics from the show.
Oh, this one cracks me up. Jennifer sings a lyric... Elvis lip... and I caught her doing her version of it.

Jamaica Plain

Catching up with my blogging. I had a good time in Boston with Matt, Brian, Sugarland, and the Cubs. Friday I got to mosey around Jamaica Plain (SW of the city on the subway). They have cute little shops, restaurants, and the houses in the neighborhoods had beautiful front landscaping every block I turned.

Below are a couple shots from Jamaica Pond, only a few blocks from Matt and Brian's apartment.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Why am I not surprised?

So, I'm all geared up for yet another Little Big Town/Sugarland concert and what's the forecast? 50's and rain... and yes, it's at an outdoor venue. Good news is that I paid the big bucks to get tickets under the "roof".

Bad news is, I think I'll be sloshing around the city tomorrow. Only stepped in two puddles today on the walk to finding Matt's workplace. What's worse than a squishy sock and shoe. I'm not sure right now, but seeing a good friend definitely makes up for feeling like a wet rat.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Building Steam, Nah... Segway, Yes Please

I opted out of heading down to the riverfront to train with the Building Steam team tonight. With my sore hips, keeping up with them just isn't an option right now. Instead, I snagged the Sparkster after work and we headed down to Springdale for a 3 mile hilly walk. We boogied so as not to get rained on and were home before 6pm.

After a quick cool down, Tom gave me a holler and we headed down to the ballpark to take in a Chiefs game. It turned into a beautiful night for baseball and a segway lesson.

Yes, sure enough, there is a company in Peoria that provides segway tours. They were setup at the game tonight to let people tryout the segway for $3. I started out pretty tense, but got more relaxed and loose as I got comfortable. Note: segways do not stay upright by themselves... do not hop off to chase foul ball, as the segway will roll about 6 feet and then topple over.

Want more info, check it out for yourself... trust me, you can't not have fun!
World On Wheels Peoria

Monday, May 9, 2011

Little by Little

My hip seems to be getting better little by little. I've noticed it hurts the most on days after my walk-jogs and less on the days when I simply long-walk the hills at Springdale. I think I really need to get my hip back in order before I continue walk jogging. I can tell that walking the hills is helping my strength, so I'll continue to do that.

I'm up in the air about returning to Building Steam. It has definitely given me a better understanding on what I need to do to reach my goal. But with my sore hip, I can't keep up with the pace of the group I'm in. It's kind of frustrating to me right now.

As for tonight, I walked an undetermined amount of time and distance through Springdale. I took my route backwards to get more hill work in. Unfortunately, I continued to hit the wrong button on my Garmin and it said I only walked less than 1.5 miles. Maybe I need to wear the watch on my other hand so I hit the right button? Or maybe there's just no helping me.... ugh (with a shake of the head).