Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday was better than Tuesday

Why is that, you ask? Well, my stomach didn't feel like it was on fire today. Plus, I had more to do at work, so the day went by much faster. And I smoked Jenny in the "name that tune" game.

Did you know that cats don't make good windows, and their hair static clings to a computer screen? Also, it's possible for a screen door to take off your shoe... I almost fell into my house when I got home from work today. It pretty much cracked me up.

Well, I'm going to go fix some cereal for dinner.
Later, Jane


Jennay said...

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah you even kicked my but in my own music! Country! H-E-L-L-O!!! must be luck!

Jane said...

Okay, okay... then next time you can pick the game. Bring it on!