Sunday, December 2, 2007

If you could be a cookie, what kind would you be?

I would probably be a very colorful spritz cookie, almond flavored of course. Today was holiday cookie baking day with a few of my coworkers. I could post photos of the work in progress, but I might get in trouble... I didn't have them sign and photo release forms.

Why not post a picture of the cookies? Well, after giving cookies to Grandpa, Mom, Dad, Tom, Laura, Sandra, and Vince, I don't have a wide variety left. They took their favorites, which were not my favorites. Now I just have my favorites, a few spritz and peanut butter kisses....mmmm.


Amanda Rassi said...

That's a tough question how do you pick just one cookie to be? I have too many favorites I think to narrow it down to just one. Baking the cookies with everyone was lots of fun, I always look forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Well, my most favorite cookies in the whole wild world would be.....well, lets see now not the ones we made about seven years ago out of the Martha Stewart Cookbook that was for sure. The NHL could use them as pucks. Well, I think I have zoomed in on my favorite cookie Sand Tarts. They are great with tea or coffee and even milk. The are bite sized and not real sweet. They look pretty on a plate with other cookies and don't clash with other cookies if you want to throw down a bunch of cookies while watching TV. The only drew back on Sand Tarts is they have about ten different names such as Mexican Wedding Cookies. Russian Tea Cakes and so on and so on. They are still a wonderful cookies no matter what you want to call them. So that is my favoirte cookie. Now don't get me wrong I will eat other cookies even mince meat cookies. I love a good oatmeal cookie or chocolate chipper and peanut butter kisses are really great also. Then there are the bar cookies like cheese cake bars with pecans. And then there are the thumb print cookies with your favorite jams inside then there are the chocolate mints and well I am getting lost in cookie world so I had better stop before I get lost completely.

Happy cookie eating to you all

Anonymous said...

All that baking of yummy cookies inspired me to bake the cranberry cookies that I originally made in 1988. The fresh cranberries are so tart that there is a lot of sugar in the cookies, so I offset that a bit with some wholesome wheatgerm substituting for 1/2 cup of the flour. I dipped them using the medium-sized "ice-cream scooper" that Jane gave me last Christmas. They turned out large and yummy. I could never drop cookies that large from a spoon--I'm just the small cookie kind of maker. But the big ones looked great--like they could be sold at a bakery--kind of like the large and lovely chocolate krinkles that the Mcomm bakers made on Sunday.