Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bad News and Good News

Unfortunately, Jack's head fell off overnight, but the good news!... it's snowing today, so I should be able to put "humpty-dumpty" back together again.

Let's hear it for the snow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would say by the amount of snow we got last evening you could put Jack back together and make an entire village to keep him company. I had to go out this morning and clean our dish out so we could get TV reception. The dish receiver was entirely filled with snow about six inches thick.

We have been making cookies and trying to say out of the weather. I hope you will post pictures of Jack's reformation when it is complete.

Happy snow to you and the cats. Oh yes have you seen the picture of the cat's that have been cloned to glow in the dark. They did it in Soul Korea. The cats are wired looking in the dark. I will try to send you the pictures via e-mail. Wouldn't the cats get a charge out of new family members that glow in the dark????