Thursday, January 3, 2013

#1 Winter Woe

Being sick. I would like to group together the following: colds, influenza, and viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu).

Like clockwork, it's winter time and it seems like I'm surrounded by sickness. Coworkers coughing up lungs, my brother and sister-in-law bringing back Paris colds, the gravelly sound of my mom's voice on the other end of the phone, the thought of my grandpa fighting off the stomach flu, and hearing the story of a cell phone's demise in toilet water after dropping out of a shirt pocket while tossing one's cookies.

Not a pretty picture, right?

Well, goodness only knows how I've managed to avoid it all so far. Yes, I know, I just jinxed myself, but I figure it's inevitable I'll catch something.

I take my multi-vitamins, try to get plenty of sleep, exercise, and in general think optimistically. But what's not to say I'll catch the mailman's cold or the flu from the last person using the gas pump.

Sure I could use hand sanitizer every 7 seconds or wear plastic gloves and a face mask, but I have this beautiful thing called an immune system. If I don't give it a challenge every once and a while, then it may just fail me when I need it the most.

I survived playing in sandboxes as a kid, so why should today be any different? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great posting, Jane! Momma