Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ninjabread Adventure

I hadn't yet called it a night when Sandra shot me a text tonight. After a quick exchange, I decided to pack up my ninjabread cookie kit and head over to hang out with her and the kids for the evening.

Buckled in safely, I was ready to go.

How can you resist when you're friend texts the following excitement?

I was glad to share the Ninjabread Kit with the Iadipaolo's. It was a fun present they gave me and kind of figured something this "simple" would be sure to entertain. Someone neglected to read the directions all the way through and missed the important step of flouring the surface before rolling out the dough.

I guess I was too focused on figuring out how to roll out the dough without a rolling pin. We solved that by using Vince's water bottle. But between all the added flour and the instructions of "cook until golden brown" (when the cookies didn't change color), I recommend dunking the cookies in milk prior to consuming. That's if you're lucky enough to try one of these masterpieces.

Here are our little helpers, Sofia and Santiago. Their high energy kept me going through all of the trials and tribulations. I suppose seeing Janers up to her elbows in cookie dough and flour would have been somewhat entertaining.

You know those moments when you have a little devil on your shoulder urging you to do something you know you shouldn't do because the person you would do this thing to wouldn't appreciate it. You don't want to make them mad, but knowing they've already been gooified by the kids at dinner, then you think how much worse can it really get.

Then somehow you convince this person to let you follow through with the plot the little devil has planted in your head. I mean really, how bad can a hug be?

The icing kit was a no brainer, but I'm kind of wishing we had put some food coloring in it. The supplied colorful candies were hard as rock and pretty much inedible, well except the kids loved the pure sugar. Good thing it wasn't a school night... I'm not sure how well they'll sleep tonight.

Here are some of my favorites cookies. Top row includes a couple blobs made from the cookie scraps, and then my favorite wolf-dolphin. The next row starts with Booth from the TV show Bones, then squirrel with an overly poofy tail, and a creepy pterodactyl. The bottom row contains the kickass ninjabread men.

Can't wait to make other future ninja-edibles.


P-town Tom said...

Can you also make ninja jigglers? Mmmm... there's always room for jello!

Jane said...

Tom, I'm already one step ahead of you. You have no idea. Oh, wait, maybe you do because you're my brother.