Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Warrior Sparky?

I really wish I had as much motivation as Sparky does when it goes to running on the treadmill. I finished my work on the treadmill this evening and then went for a glass of water and not so surprisingly got distracted by something shiny.

When I still heard Sheryl Crow singing in the other room I realized I needed to turn everything off. This is who I found waiting for me.

So, what else can I do but to let him go for a bit longer.

What exactly is his motivation for hopping on the treadmill for a jog? Well, it's as simple as a rawhide chip. I wish I was motivated just as easily.

Maybe I can substitute him for me in the Warrior Dash race?... Warrior Sparky? The race is about 2.5 weeks away. It'll be interesting to see how it all goes, that 3.08 Hellish Miles.

I did learn several things while watching Emily and her friends do the dash in Denver. It won't help me do it any faster, but still some helpful hints.

1. Bring a complete change of clothes
2. Bring an extra pair of shoes/sandals so you can donate muddy kicks
3. Where sunglasses, safety glasses, or goggles through the mud pit (much splashing)
4. Arm floaties and innertubes are not needed in the pit, but are amusing for people to watch
5. Wipe of race number upon exiting the mud (then you can find your pic online)
6. Don't wear overly baggy clothes because more mud collects and it's heavy
7. They have bag checks for your belongings
8. They have outdoor "showers" for you to rinse yourself off, in case you want to try to salvage your muddy clothes (good luck getting mud off your back without a shower buddy)
9. Bring a towel to keep warm and plastic bag for messy clothes
10. I'm sure I learned more, but I'm stuck on the image of "Trojan Man" in my head from the day of Emily's race... just one of hundred's of costumes I saw.


Jennay said...

you have the coolest dog ever!!! and Jinkies too :)

Anonymous said...

This was one of the most entertaining posts you have ever had. Nice job with the list, the narrative and the video! Momma