Thursday, August 4, 2011


So, I've taken the day off from walk/jogging. Last night I headed down to the Riverplex with my Sole Sisters. I've had a small blister on my "ring toe", so as I've done countless times before, I wrapped a bandaid around it. Towards the end of the 2.83 miles it felt like the bandage had worked is way off.

I was going to tough it out until I got home, but before I made it to the car, I had to stop and investigate. I was surprised to see a huge burst blister on the inside of my pinky toe and I could feel a blister on the inside of my middle toe. Go figure, trying to avoid making one blister just increased my number of blisters 3-fold.

Despite the blisters and the icky-sticky hot weather, I had fun on the walk/jog. I kept yo-yoing back and forth with Theresa and after the water stop I caught up with Laura. She headed back out before I did and I followed her as if she was a rabbit. I never did catch up, but it was pretty good motivation.

Looking forward to getting out there with The Sparkster tomorrow, and then coaching with Tom on Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YIKES--fix one blister and get 2 more!? Maybe the Cubs could use this kind of strategy. Momma