Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CO Vacation: Friday, Day 4

Emily was so kind to take a vacation day the Friday I was in town. We headed over to the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, CO. Last year I decided to adopt one of their animals after having visited their facility. I wish I could have adopted a Tiger, but Casper, the Coati Mundi, is just as cool. Below is a pic of Casper, I think. If not, it's his roommate Sassy.The facility has grown leaps and bounds since I last visited. The day before our visit they opened the new walkway as seen below. They plan on adding onto this walkway so it goes over top of not only the lion area, but the bears and tigers, and then end at the new facility that was erected when 25 African lions that were saved and flown in from Bolivia last December.The shot below was of a lion that was "playing" with a snake that had wandered into her habitat. Amazing how these big cats have the same mannerisms as my small little Jinkies.
We visited on a day that came close to setting a heat record in the area. Most of the animals were enjoying sleeping in the shade.

Moving along to the evening, bring on SUGARLAND!!! and Canaan Smith?!?!?
Who needs an elaborate set to make a show, not Sugarland.
Emily and I were about 6 seats from the center section in row 10 behind the pit. I'm not sure I could have been any happier with our seats.
I didn't get a chance to take many photos because it started raining, but I did manage to capture the shot of Kristian I was looking for.
Sara Bareilles was originally scheduled to open for Sugarland, but ended up having a scheduling conflict. I'm guessing Sugarland's management or record label gave Canaan Smith, a newly signed artist, the push to open for Sugarland. It was great to see Kristian come out on stage and play with him. Canaan had great energy and fun songs.
So, when I got the opportunity to meet him after the show was over, I couldn't resist. Sure, I was bit on the damp side, but look at his smile. He was like a kid in a candy store, living his dream in front of 18,000 Sugarland fans.
Yes, I am now officially a Canaanite.


Jennay said...

Wow! You had great seats! Looks like a fun trip!

P-town Tom said...

I see glow sticks!

Vince said...

Very Cool Janers

Anonymous said...

Who's the other guy with Canaan? Momma. P.S. How many celebrities have you had your photo taken with?!