Thursday, July 15, 2010


I've found that as the temperature has risen and the heat index doesn't get much below 90 in the evenings, the temperature in my house has also risen.

I went to the Chiefs game last night with Tom and the Angell's. After sitting outside in the super hot stagnant air, I returned home to my 80 degree house. As usual, I bumped the temp down to 76. As I tried to fall asleep, but it felt like ice crystals were trying to form between my toes. The AC was running more than usual to keep it 76 and it was too cool for me. Out of bed and up to 78 it went. I slept just the same as any other night.

This evening I've been chilling at a temperature of 78 too. It just seems slightly odd to me. Last week I would have been uncomfortable at 78 in the house, but with it more than 90 out, 78 is cool enough.

Is this all because I'm getting closer to the age of 30. Is my internal thermostat changing to that of a little old lady already?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's my thought... taller women tend to get ice crystals between their toes when their feet are bare. Momma