Sunday, July 18, 2010

Productive Sunday at home

It drives me slightly bonkers that on the weekdays I can't seem to wake up in the morning, but on the weekend I'm ready to go at 6:30. I took advantage of the early morning and went over to Hyvee to check out the new store. I got some good deals on fruit, but didn't really need much else. It's a nice store, but seems to have an odd layout that I'm not used to. They do seem to have a wide variety of brands. For now, I'll be sticking with Schnucks.

After Hyvee and dropping my items off at home, it was over to Kmart to browse a bit. I found good deals on dog and cat treats and found a knock-off version of one of the "rock fit" type of shoes. The shoes fit my feet better than the $100 Skechers and are comfy in general. Then I made a brief stop at Walmart and made my way over to Barnes and Noble to buy Country Weekly with my Sugarland on the cover.

Back home I went to vacuum, do dishes, wash all the pet bedding, and straighten up around the house. I had a couple movies on while working about the house. This afternoon I tried to continue some of the work I brought home, only to find out there still isn't enough direction from the client to finish. I got pretty honked off about that. I really wanted to work ahead, but that just wasn't in the cards.

Shortly after that, Tom came over, which helped clear my head. He stopped by to pick up my TomTom, Susie, for his trip to Cincinnati this week. He really helped wear the Sparkster out. I'm glad the visit went as well as it did.

I got my butt off the couch late this evening to take Sparky for a walk. I saw two deer tonight and my first ground hog in Springdale. Now I'm waiting for my last load of laundry to buzz before I completely call it a night.

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