Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lack of entries.

This has been quite the week! My evenings have involved following Bradley games, working, or going out to dinner with Grandpa. I haven't left myself much time to let the brain unwind. It's been more than busy work week. Between our sales rep being in town for team meetings and trying to launch the biggest website Mcomm has ever worked on, my head has been spinning. Spinning head equals tired Jane, and tired Jane equals no blog entries. It's hard to go there when no creative juices are flowing.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Tomorrow night I will follow the Bradley Championship CBI tournament game somehow. Saturday I'm going to a charity hockey game with Laura, Doctors vs. Firemen. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough this weekend to do some work outside in the dirt. I also have to figure out how to get my wreath back up. The crazy winds over the last week broke the plastic hanger on it. Maybe I should just use some ducktape. I'm sure my neighbors would love that.

Apparently, you can actually make flowers out of ducktape.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Duct Tape flowers are cool. Thanks for bloggin!