Saturday, April 12, 2008

Finally stocking up.

Tom asks, "Do you still have the bucket of softballs?"
I answer, "No, I have a bucket and some softballs."

I finally decided to do my grocery shopping and went last night after work. My total bill was about $97, then they scanned my Kroger card bringing it down to around $67, and then with my coupons I got it down to $58! I actually bought enough groceries to use my Save $5 on $50 of groceries! Oh the excitement of saving 40% on my order. Here's my haul.


Anonymous said...

Nice! By the way, kudos on using those kroger bags to save the environment. *applause*

Nomer said...

You got major savings there!

Amanda Rassi said...

First of all nicely done on the major grocery savings! Being a fellow coupon clipper myself I can appreciate what a huge feat that is! And yeah, I would say you need to devise some sort of lid for that softball bucket. =)