Monday, January 21, 2008

Oh, what a day.

I haven't quite figured out what's going on with my stomach yet. I started to feel kind of puny today when I was driving to work. I was attempting to stick it out, but I didn't want to be miserable at work. I gathered a couple things up and worked from home this morning. This afternoon I will be cuddled up on a couch or bed... most likely with a furball in my lap.

I had an interesting thought over the weekend when I was driving back from Tom and Laura's after feeding their cats. I saw a port-o-potty on a street corner. My thought was, I wonder what it's like in a port-o-potty when it's negative degrees out? I would imagine the stink is somewhat minimal compared to the heat in the summer.


Anonymous said...

Sure hope you feel LOTS better on Tuesday, Jane! Hugs, Momma

Amanda Rassi said...

I would guess that the stench would be less but it would be awful cold!

Anonymous said...

do you think they put antifreeze in the blue stuff?