Thursday, January 17, 2008

Me and Geovany :-)

Okay, so it's not the clearest photo, but you can tell it's me and Geovany Soto! At the Cubs Caravan, we got "tickets" that told us what line to go in for autographs and I was lucky enough to get Soto's line. Later on, I snuck into a couple other lines and got some other autographs from the up and coming stars. After that, I met back up with Tom and we came up with the mission to get a Soto autograph for him. In that same moment I got a picture of us with my phone. Probably should have brought the real camera, but it works for me.
Go Cubbies!


Amanda Rassi said...

You're going to need a smile-ectomy to remove that smile! =) Looks like you had a good time.

Jane said...

Good time may be an understatement. Was literally jumping up and down clapping my hands after I got my photo taken with Soto. Nothin' beats getting to act like a little kid all over again.