Sunday, February 10, 2013 with Toby Lightman!!!

My first concert of the year, Toby Lightman. I don't know how it slipped my mind for my 2013 concert blog post... possibly because I didn't have to leave my house, let alone my living room or even my couch! I have never heard the speakers on my laptop sound nearly that good before.

A quick refresher on Toby. It was 2004-05ish when I heard her version of Real Love while listening to YahooRadio at work. I'd heard the song before, but her voice drew me in. Next thing I knew, I bought her album and was listening to it daily while walking my neighborhood. 

At some point in 2007 I emailed her through her website to thank her for making music and sharing her voice, and said that I can't wait to see her in person some day. She was so kind to have responded. Finally in 2010, I road-tripped up to Chicago with my aunt to see Toby live! 

I think she hit the Chicago area again last year, but I couldn't make it... darn work nights. Anyway, this show was right up my alley. Same great voice, but from the comfort of my living room.

Here's the view I had towards the end of the show, Jinkies decided to join me for the encore.

If Toby had a view into my living room, this is what she would have seen.

Toby put on such a great concert. So glad she made it through her appendicitis last year and rescheduled the show. And guess what, she's so kind to donate a portion of her tips to the Hurricane Sandy victims. I love live music and fantastic voices, singer/songwriters rock! If she doesn't hit the Midwest this year, I hope she schedules another StageIt show. Hell, maybe she'll give me a date to visit my friends in Boston.

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