Sunday, February 10, 2013

Damp, Dreary, Drippy Day

This weekend didn't have ideal weather, so Sparky and I had to make the best of it. Yesterday I made sure we got outside before the wet weather strolled in. We got a nice walk/jog in at Springdale.

Later in the evening, Sparky and I headed over to the Angell's to play baseball with Jim and Wrigley.

This time, I came prepared with a goody bag for Sparky that contained a tennis ball, pull toy, and bone. Surprise, surprise, these toys were old news and he had to find something new to play with at the Angell's household. What did he come up with after rooting through their house?

Yes, he takes the phrase, "Make yourself at home", to heart. On his own, he found two pairs of earmuffs and wore them proudly around his neck (he managed to do this on his own). I took them off, but he wanted them back, so I let him wear them most of the evening.

Here's more evidence of the "make yourself at home". He hopped in the basket and burrowed around until he was nice and cozy in the blanket.

Today was a rainy, cloudy and downright dreary day. I thought I'd let Sparky ride shotgun and bring some joy to people one drive-thru at a time.

It's almost as if he knew the Walgreens pharmacy would give him a treat.

Then he got a little love from the folks at Starbucks.

I couldn't think of any Asian restaurants with drive-thrus (Panda Express does not count. Our local restaurants blow it out of the water). I ordered ahead to limit Sparky's fear of being left in the parking lot forever. He does a great job protecting the car.

 He only put nose prints on 3 of the 8 windows in my car.

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