Monday, May 17, 2010

Wildflowers and Elephant Ears

I bought wildflower seeds the last couple of years, but did not this year. The volunteers have gotten to become regulars and have filled up most of the flowerbed, except on the corner where Sparky has over watered them.
I looked at the elephant ears and noticed that only three have come up and they are all green. That's when I remembered only three green ones grew last year and I had to buy two extras and they were purple. Of course, this dawns on me after I've planted them in the wrong order. It'll be interesting to see if the purple ones come up. If they do, I may have to rearrange them. Anyway, here's one of the green ones. I also have a gaggle of cannas coming up!


P-town Tom said...

I thought 'gaggle' was reserved solely for geese references.
Huh, who would have thought?

Anonymous said...

Nice flowers--I first thought you had put in a generic photo, cuz they looked so good! Momma