Friday, March 26, 2010

Cats and Dogs

So I've been living with a cat and a dog now for 3 months. After getting Jinkies over 7 years ago, I thought I was a dog person living in a cats world. Maybe it's because I haven't lived with a dog in so long, but I think I'm leaning a bit more towards being comfy in a cats world.

No, there's nothing wrong with Sparky. I just think I mesh better with a laid back cats world. Plus, I like their smaller stature. The Sparkster is a good size, but it's so much easier to throw a cat over your shoulder when walking around the house.

I think the perfect pet would be a mix of a cat and a dog. Why haven't any mad scientists worked that one out? You can't take cats for a walk and dogs don't know how to use a litter box. Cats jump up on the tabletops and dogs roll out in the yard.

The one thing I haven't determined is which one is smarter. Sparky has done quite well with the training and has learned many commands. But on the other hand, he is quite reckless, almost like an adrenaline junky. He just goes gung-ho, flies around without a worry of consequences. Then you have the calculated Jinkies that surveys the situation and slowly investigates anything new in his environment. I think that's a much smarter approach than just shoving your nose into anything laying on the side of street that smells different.

I don't know, sometimes it's just kind of odd to sit back and watch the two of them. Tonight they just got me to thinking.

The one thing I am sure of is that I'm very fortunate to have them both.


P-town Tom said...

How about the infamous "catdog"?

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading your thoughts about having a cat vs. a dog as a pet. Well done! And, I'm glad you're glad you have them both. Momma