Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dog Class

I wish I had some photos to share from Sparky's first dog class, but that was probably one of the last things on my mind at the time.

He did surprisingly well! Our walks have paid off and he was the best "heeler" in the class. He has a slight issue with the sit and stay commands, but I guess that's what the homework is for.

Sparky's been sleeping since we got home around 3:00. After class we went over to Mom and Dad's. He made some huge steps and let Dad and Grandpa pet him. It was awesome! He's not cured of the "afraid of men", but every positive encounter will help.

All and all, a very good day... a bit stressful, but very good. Time for me to finish winding down before bedtime gets here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you bring your camera next time, I will try to get some photos of the Super-Heeler in action. Momma