Thursday, March 18, 2010

I wasn't thinking.

After a long day of work, I decided to take it easy this evening. I played fetch with Sparky, then ran some errands, and stopped over at the Iadipaolo's to talk Sandra's ear off. Anyway, on the way home I decided some ice cream sounded good, so I stopped in at The Spotted Cow. Chocolate Peanut Udder was the flavor that tickled my fancy. $1.37 later and I was out the door on the way to the car to enjoy my scoop of ice cream at home. It was quite good, but wasn't nearly as delicious as the peanut butter n chocolate at 31 Flavors (that one is in a class all it's own). I enjoyed my cold sweet treat, but as it approaches 11pm and I'm not terribly tired, I'm beginning to regret my decision to eat chocolate ice cream 2 hours ago.

Definitely not the brightest thing I've done this week, but I guess you'll have that. Maybe I'll actually sleep all the way through the night, once I get to sleep. The last couple of nights have included me having mini bouts of insomnia from 2 o'clockish to 4 o'clockish. I should have been tired from crazy work days and walking Sparky, but early morning I just wake up. A bit frustrating, but I'm hoping tonight will be different. Possibly getting my doctor's appointment out the way will have helped ease my mind.

I guess I should at least get in to bed and try to shut my eyes. Well, here goes nothing.

1 comment:

The Pregnant Sandra said...

I truly enjoyed our conversation last night. I miss girls' night!! Also, you should have hooked me up with some ice cream! If I had known you were making a run I would have joined ya :) Next time, ok? ha ha ha