Sunday, July 6, 2008

Getting down to business.

Yesterday was quite a bit of playing, and today I really need to hop to it. I spent most of the day at the parents' house yesterday. Dad and I picked a ton of apricots and a few cherries. I helped Mom in the kitchen making a few things, including the apricot coconut bars! I watched the Cubs blow the game to the Cardinals and then we all sat down to dinner. Grandpa treated us to some wonderful steaks that Dad grilled to perfection. Can you believe that Tom finished 4th (in his age group?) in the Firecracker race and didn't even bring it up at dinner? Congrats Senor Olson.

Anyway, I should really get to work around and outside the house. Enjoy the last day of the long weekend!

1 comment:

P-town Tom said...

Well, I didin't finish fourth in my age group in the Firecracker this past weekend, that was just some weird dream that Laura had. I did finish 6th, which is cool and all, but still not in the top three, which is what it takes to medal. The personal record was cool though.
Thanks for the shoutout!

P.S. - Math camp is awesome. Bet you wish you were here!