Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I must be feeling better OR I'm just crazy.

Anyway... I've put in almost 22 hours at work so far this week. That's quite abnormal for me. It would be a bit different if I could bring some of the work home with me, but that's not the case. I did pull together the two different slide shows I'm in charge of for the rodeo event coming up in Vegas. Productive days are always welcome, even if they may be long.

I would like to take this space on my blog to give a shout out to Amanda.
Amanda stepped up to the plate and blindly called several rodeo competitors to get random tidbits of information we need for the program. Trust me, not an easy task to get information out of those guys!

Well, it's time for me to continue on with my evening. I'm so happy to be able to watch the Bradley game online tonight. GO BU!

P.S. The cat in my lap has bad breath.


Anonymous said...

What a photo! Is that our dear Velma Sue? Momma

Amanda Rassi said...

Well thanks! At first I thought you were talking about a different Amanda. I'm just helping where I can. Anything I can do to get you guys out of here before 10pm. =)