Thursday, February 7, 2008

Long weekend = Long week

I really enjoyed that long weekend I had, but goodness gracious did this week ever drag out! I'm so excited Friday is tomorrow! I didn't think it would ever get here.

I have quite a bit to look forward to this weekend. Friday I get to go watch Little Women at Peoria Players with Mom. Saturday is a whiffle ball tournament at the Riverplex, followed by another Iadipaolo birthday party, and then I hope to have dinner with Naomi. Sunday is my day, and if I'm lucky, I'll get to meet Nick for lunch again.

That's the scope from my world right now. Let's hope tomorrow's 8 hour day flies by in about 15 minutes! Wouldn't that be great!

1 comment:

Amanda Rassi said...

I would definitely agree. Longest week EVER! I think it would be excellent if today went by in 15min. =) Can't all days be like that?