Monday, March 31, 2008

Cheese, anyone?

I wish I could post a photo from the weekend, but Grandpa said I could take the photo as long as it wasn't going to get posted on the Internet. Well, I will hold true to my word, but just picture him and I with cheesey grins, wearing Happy Birthday party hats. It was classic! The photo is still in my phone, so ask and you shall see.

On another note, I owe the State $1.11. I just figured that out tonight. I wish I would have known earlier, so I could have saved up for this big hit. Hopefully I have enough change in the cupholder in my car. It's just silly that I have to mail in a check for that amount. I wonder if I can pay more than that to cover the small amount I may have to pay next year. :-)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

If you don't have anything nice to say...

...then talk bout the kick-ass Bradley game from the night before. Not much beats watching Bradley come back from a huge deficit to win a tournament game. Especially when you get to take in the game with family and have ice cream afterwards. Let's all root for Bradley tomorrow! If they win, then I have a chance to see one last home game!
Attendance: 6,425
Score by Periods                1st  2nd   Total
Ohio Bobcats.................. 42 31 - 73
Bradley Braves................ 29 50 - 79

Bradley Braves Field Goal%
1st Half: 9-23 39.1%
2nd Half: 16-29 55.2%
Game: 48.1%
(If only I could break out the turnovers for you too.
The first half was so depressing,
and the last quarter of the game was amazing!)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Getting a Face Lift.

Just when I think I'm headed in the right direction, some neighbor leaves a note on my door. This weekend I bought a new red, white, and blue wreath a Gordmans to replace the Christmas light wreath I had hanging above the door. I like having something up there because I think it looks empty without it. I took the time in the cold wacky weather to switch the wreaths out yesterday, and today I had a note on my door asking me to take down my Christmas wreath. What gives? Kids with too much time on their hands?
For all I know, the wreath will get stolen, but for now, it's up there. Today, Tom and Grandpa came by and took out my bushes. I guess they did it in two hours flat, they were smokin'! The bushes have been temporarily relocated to the back yard, and Dad will come by in the near future with the truck and haul them away for me. My dad's neighbor is a landscaper and stopped by to take a look at my front yard. He's working on putting together an estimate for the landscaping and/or taking down my overgrown tree.
Tonight is the Bradley game... Yee-ha!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Getting back into a groove.

Relaxing in the evenings without thinking about work has been quite nice this week! I even managed to get of the house last night for a "girls' night" with Sandra and Sofia. We had dinner and then headed to Dunlap to watch the Battle of the Bands. They handed out glowsticks at the door and we loaded Sofia up. I think she had nearly 10 by the time we headed home. I tried to get her to tell people that she had a pickle in her ear, but I'm going to have to work on a secret signal for her to know when to say it. Can't you imagine... Sandra talking to one of her students, I give Sofia the sign, and then she says, "I have a pickle in my ear." That would be classic!

Needless to say, I had fun. Today was also a pretty good day. I had the chance to make some balloon animals to send home with Stephanie for her kids. Taylor's birthday was earlier this week. Hopefully she can determine what kind of animals I made.

Right now, I'm looking forward to the weekend, and hopefully some decent weather allowing me to get outside a bit.

Have a Good Friday, and a Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mai Guys

This was the quickest weekend ever. I can't remember the last time I slept so much! It feels like I could be trying to catch up on sleep for the next week or so. Hopefully that's not the case.

Anyway, last night I saw the Peoria Players production of Steel Magnolias with my mom. They did a very nice job with it. The next play I have tickets for is Urinetown... anyone interested?

Today I slept in once again, but only got about 11 hours of sleep, not 13 like the night before. I fed the cats, then hit the couch to take in a movie. Shortly after I got myself cleaned up, Tom picked me up to go the fantasy baseball draft at Dunlap High School. Mai Guys are below:
After the draft, we did the Buffalo Wild Wings thing and now I'm back at home looking at my guys. I also placed a couple "Wanted" ads on local websites, trying to find a sponsor(s) for my co-ed softball team. That's the scoop from here.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Anyone Still Out There?

So, Thelma and Louise got back the other day from Las Vegas, after 4 days of working the Case Rodeo Championships. It was an extremely busy, tiring, fun, overwhelming, unbelievable, worthwhile, and humbling experience. I think I enjoyed it just as much as most of the competitors. So who won? Well, Steph's and my "shuttle buddy" Nick Market took home the loader/backhoe. The two competitors , Nick M. and Tim Reynolds, on our shuttle from the airport to the hotel placed in the Top 5.
Above is one half of the Daily News from Wednesday. We, Charlie, Steph, Stacey, Anthony, and I stayed up late put these together each night, recapping the day's events. It was a tremendous effort by the whole team to get these designed, printed, and then back to the hotels for room drops each morning. The only thing I would change about the trip, if I could, would be teleporting myself from place to place. That would have saved quite a bit of time and a couple blisters.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What should I be doing?

That's easy... sleeping! I'm awake about 45 minutes before my alarm goes off on this flying to Vegas morning. Needless to say, it's going to be a long day. Thank goodness I have a travel buddy and we can help keep each others head from spinning too much today.

Good thing is, I was able to fit everything but the cats in my suitcase. No fear about them sneaking in and making it to Vegas with me. Although, it would be nice to take them with me. I wonder if they have small pets you can rent to sleep on your bed at night? But then again, maybe I'll be able to sleep until an alarm goes off for once. Oh, wait... the timezone is different, so I'll actually have to try to sleep a couple hours later than normal. Hmmm, this should be interesting...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mom always says....

.... if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. But, what do you do when 'nitpick' is the word of the day and you only have two grains of sand left in your hourglass? I needed a serious release at work today, but when you're at work, what can you do. I guess just leave it up to your ears to let the steam come pouring out, then go home and vent to your Momma and collect hugs from everyone you see. The last straw finally broke this camel's back today. I lift my shot of cough medicine to a good night of sleep and a better tomorrow.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

If only I could have...

...caught Velma in the act! It would have been an interesting photo. I was downstairs painting and watching The Simpsons Movie this afternoon when the phone rang. I muted the TV and set my brush down. Next thing I know, there's a cat flying by, landing on my paint palette. Thank you, Velma! Luckily, she has small feet and there wasn't much paint on the palette. It could have been quite the colorful mess.

It's nice to have my basement back together again, but it would be absolutely splendid if I knew my PVC pipe will keep the seeping water corralled. I imagine I'll know soon enough, especially with the rain in the forecast. I just hoping I can get it fairly well under control before I head off to Vegas for 4 days. That's the scoop from here. Have a Happy Monday! Jane