Sunday, July 15, 2012

Goal Update - 13 Days

I still have the same goal as my last post... on my birthday, have a good day and spend it with as many friends and family as possible.

13 Days and Counting!!!
Hears the updated scoop!

First up, Whitney's Walk at 8am, July 28th. Who needs to sleep in on their birthday? Please feel free to join Sparky and I or help the cause with a donation. I'm only $55 away from my fundraising goal.

Next up, I hit the Red Cross around 11:00am to donate blood with Tom. Gotta start pushing the iron filled veggies.

Then I'm gonna recharge my battery at the parents, lunch with the family and possibly some special guests.

The evening has been set. Assuming Laura's up for it, Tom, Jim, Laura and myself will be headed down to the ballpark to watch the Chiefs game and take in the fireworks. I'm pretty sure the Chiefs still have plenty of tickets left for the 28th, so maybe I'll see you there???

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