Monday, May 9, 2011

Little by Little

My hip seems to be getting better little by little. I've noticed it hurts the most on days after my walk-jogs and less on the days when I simply long-walk the hills at Springdale. I think I really need to get my hip back in order before I continue walk jogging. I can tell that walking the hills is helping my strength, so I'll continue to do that.

I'm up in the air about returning to Building Steam. It has definitely given me a better understanding on what I need to do to reach my goal. But with my sore hip, I can't keep up with the pace of the group I'm in. It's kind of frustrating to me right now.

As for tonight, I walked an undetermined amount of time and distance through Springdale. I took my route backwards to get more hill work in. Unfortunately, I continued to hit the wrong button on my Garmin and it said I only walked less than 1.5 miles. Maybe I need to wear the watch on my other hand so I hit the right button? Or maybe there's just no helping me.... ugh (with a shake of the head).

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