Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Challenge & Countdown!

Back in January I went grocery and happened upon a sale on Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. 10 for $10. Well, how could I pass that up? Especially when I could buy 10 different kinds and taste test them, rank them and then blog about about it. Remember, it's the simple things.

The 10 different boxes are as follows in no particular order:
1. Veggie pasta original flavor
2. Phineas and Ferb shapes
3. Original
4. Veggie pasta three cheese
5. Thick & creamy
6. Spongebob shapes
7. Whole grain original
8. Cheddar Explosion
9. Madagascar shapes
10. Spirals

I know, I left out the shell pasta. I've tried this kind in the past and was frustrated by how the shells would suction to my bowl or plate. Since I couldn't be unbiased, I left it out of the running.


Amy Talcott said...

I pick Cheddar Explosion just for the name.

P-town Tom said...

I'm voting for Phineas and Ferb. They're legit.

Anonymous said...

Who in the world are Phinny and Ferbie? And, how could that taste good? I'm betting on Classic all the way. M