Sunday, March 10, 2013

Concert Weekend - LBT and P!NK

I had quite the busy weekend which started Thursday night when I saw David Nail and Little Big Town with my Mom, Cheryl, Kristin, Jim and Theresa. LBT's on their first headlining tour call Tornado! Yes, they've headlined shows I've seen before, but this tour has a name, a set and an awesome light show. The only downside to the evening is that I forgot to bring my camera. My cell phone just doesn't cut it.

I woke up Friday with the goal the following goals; visit the Louisville Slugger Bat Museum and catch Pink in concert for the first time. Despite the time change I hadn't factored in, I had time to do both and stop at a Schimpff's candy shop to pick up some sugar free treats for Grandpa.

People had told me the Louisville Slugger museum was cool, but by the time I got there I wasn't in the best museum state of mind. I'm glad I went, but could have done without the overly energetic softball team that ended up on my tour. I guess 5 hours in a car will do that to you.

They had a special exhibit at the museum and it featured Legos. Here are what I would consider the two coolest items in the collection: 1. Wrigley Field, 2. Stan Musial portrait.

After the museum I checked myself in to my hotel and searched out dinner. Actually, it wasn't a hard decision at all, there was a Waffle House within walking distance. After LBT talked about Waffle House and the Scattered, Covered and Smothered hash browns during their show the night before, I knew I couldn't pass up my first Waffle House experience.

I stopped back to my room to make sure it was no longer 78 degrees. I keep my house at 66 in the winter, so this was a tad warm for me. I had it knocked down to 70, and the fresh air was helping the stale smell in the room.

Off to the concert I went! Against my dislike for parking garages, I did the smart thing and parked in the one that had a crosswalk to the venue (KFC Yum! Center). It was my safest option and I could leave my coat in the car. I scoped out the venue and bought a P!NK souvenir, and soon enough The Hives were on stage. Their music isn't quite for me, but they put on very entertaining show. Those Swedes know how to work a crowd and draw everyone in.

Nest up, P!NK! Words can't explain just how amazing and awesome Pink's show was. I felt like she invited myself and the other 18,000 people (her closest friends) to come party with her while she rocked out on her playground. Definitely a show I wish I could go to twice. Once to take in the spectacular event and the second to capture it on film. I'll admit, it was a bit difficult to do both.

After the show, I was stuck in a parking deck for a good half hour. You would think the wait and drive back to the hotel would help bring me down off of my concert high, but not so much. I don't recall when I actually fell asleep, but I know I woke up earlier than planned (thanks to the dog left alone by his owners in the room across the hall).

It was a rude awaking, but not the end of the world. This allowed for time to drive to Marengo, IN to take a tour of a cave. It would take me a good hour out of the way, plus the exploration time. I'm glad I went off the beaten path. The backgrounds were a nice change of pace and the Dripstone Trail cave tour was a sight to see.

Here's some water in the cave, only about 3 to 6 inches deep. Doesn't look too cool with my flash on.

How's about I don't use a flash? I've never seen such a clear reflection before.

Here's me in the cave. I did learn that even though I'm the shortest one in my family, I'm still too tall for a cave. Glad I only hit my head once.

The part of the cave was the most fun. I don't know why it ever started or why they continue to do it, but the top of the cave in this area is covered with mud and they let people try to get pennies stuck in it. I grabbed 7 lucky pennies from the car and got 3 or 4 to stick.

It was a long and very eventful weekend. So glad Mom and Dad wore out Sparky for me and that I had Sunday to recover from my lack o' sleep.

Oh yeah, here's my little bat friend from the Marengo Caves.

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