Saturday, February 12, 2011

What I could be doing...

Right now, I could be helping celebrate Sofia's 5th birthday, or I could be mooching a free meal off the parents, or I could be headed down to the Bradley game with the Muno's. But as you might assume, I'm at home, on the couch, blogging on my laptop.

Just not feeling up to par today. I got up and headed into work for a few hours this morning. I managed to stay crazy-focused for 3 hours, then I had to get out of there. I ran a couple errands and picked up some lunch for Laura and myself.

Shortly after, the day started to catch up with, along with my lack off sleep. I'm quite sleepy, with a hint of congestion, and some serious gurgling. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a good night of sleep will leave me feeling ready to take on the day tomorrow morning.

But for tonight, I shall take it easy with a pet in my lap keeping me warm. I'll start with Jinkies, and if I get too fidgety, then Sparky will be more than happy to take the vacated spot.

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