Sunday, June 3, 2012

From busy dots to itchy dots.

I enjoy how the title of the last blog, which was last month (such a slacker), mentioned dots in it. Little did I know that shortly after that, an enjoyable Saturday of doing yard work would turn into the most annoying case of poison something I've had to deal with.

I will spare you of any pictures, heck the oozing was so gross I didn't even take any. But the leftover markings, peeling and residual itchy spots are quite impressive. What I would like to share is the bandaid mark that some may have already seen.

After a week of outbreaks on the top of my arm, several trails of itchiness popped up on the underside of my arm. As I worked at my desk, this one spot continually got scratched on the edge of the desk. I put a bandaid on it, problem solved... or not!

I was truly amazed by how cranky all of this itching and scratching made me. Thank goodness Laura gave me a prescription for some industrial strength cream, otherwise I may still be oozing two weeks after the fact.

As for the bandaid mark, I can still make out the extremely faint outline today (5 days after the fact). Thank goodness I only had the bandaid on for about 8 hours.

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