Sunday, January 17, 2010

Same old, same old.

I don't feel like I have much to report lately. The last couple weeks seem to have been filled with working on Laura's birthday present, working out on the Wii, and playing referee between the animals.

Soon enough I should be done with Laura's present, which will be quite nice. I'm really hoping that if I put my nose the grindstone, it will be complete by the end of the week.

I did get thrown off a bit last week because fun was introduced into my schedule. Tom invited me out for dinner on Wednesday. The Cubs Caravan was Thursday and the Iadipaolo's hosted a game night on Friday. This weekend was mostly filled with getting things done around the house, relaxing, and being on the Wii.

Here's a shot of the animals from the other day. An instance where Jinkies isn't stalking Sparky and Sparky's not cowered behind behind something or just glued to my side or sniffing around the backyard as I repeatedly yell, "Come Sparky, Come". Oh, how I can't wait to get this dog trained!


Sandra said...

I love the pic! They look so well-behaved :)

Anonymous said...

Although it may appear they are snoozing, upon blowing up the photo you can clearly see each of them are watching to see what will happen next! I think you are making great progress with your 4-legged friends. Momma