Thursday, August 23, 2012

What I learned today.

In no particular order:
  1. Suzy smokes crack. - She gets me to my final destination, but this GPS unit takes me on some really circuitous routes!
  2. Caffeine helps me stay awake on a drive, but I really need to pay attention to the time of day I start chugging a 32oz Big Gulp.
  3. There are camels that live in Missouri.
  4. Bo's BBQ is damn good.
  5. My mind doesn't function well when filled with snot. (I tried to get into room 103... my room is 108).
  6. Multi-tasking while sick and on meds doesn't work to well. (Last item remembered as my hand hit the doorknob to leave home... my concert ticket.
  7. It's fun to ride shotgun with someone, so you can take in the scenery.
  8. It's fun to chauffeur someone because you get to chit-chat and don't need caffeine.
  9. Sometimes it's more fun to road trip solo because you can blare the music and sing at the top of your lungs as much as you want.
Later Peeps.

1 comment:

P-town Tom said...

Sounds like your Abu Dhabi cold really sucks. Sorry to hear that!