Friday, March 29, 2013

#10 Cheddar Explosion

If you said, "Cheddar is better!", then I'd be right there along with you. Does cheese get much better than cheddar? From mild to extra extra sharp, sign me up.

I had some high hopes with the Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Cheddar Explosion flavor. A completely new experience, cheddar pasta exploding in your mouth? It'd be the meal-in-box version of Pop Rocks.

Sadly, I was disappointed as soon as I opened the box. Spirals? Really? But, wait they're bigger than the normal spirals. Yeah, that didn't help. There's something about eating food in the shape of a corkscrew that doesn't appeal to me.

But what about the flavor of the Cheddar Explosion? Umm, not so good. Definitely edible, but out of the other 9 boxes I taste-tested, it had the worst flavor... or maybe my tastebuds didn't know how to process the Cheddar Explosion?

Sorry, but in this case, Cheddar is NOT Better.

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